Adler once said, “Everyone is both a painting and the author of the painting.”
This quote means the same thing as “everyone is the main character of his own life”, but in real life, we are tired of dealing with the confusion and worries in our daily life.
If you too are facing such problems, do check out this book!!!!
Adler’s Handbook of Practical Psychology
The whole book vividly presents coping strategies in various dilemmas, combining theories, techniques, steps and cases in an illustrative way, teaching you to find the right occasions and communication moments, solve interpersonal disputes, and learn ways to accept failure.
The following are some of the ideas in the book, you can spend 5 minutes to see.
Everyone is the protagonist of his or her own life
Adlerian psychology provides us with a new perspective: everyone is the master of his own destiny, the scriptwriter and director of his own life.
This idea reverses the traditional psychological view of the individual, in which people are often seen as passive, controlled by fate and past experiences.
Instead, Adlerian psychology encourages us to recognize that each of us has the ability to actively shape our own lives and rewrite our own stories.
It challenges the view that fate is predetermined or unchangeable and encourages people to face the challenges and difficulties of life with courage.
Life is no longer seen as a sequence of predetermined events and outcomes, but rather as a stage of possibilities waiting to be choreographed and performed.
By embracing this way of thinking, individuals can view their lives from a new perspective.
Every decision and choice in life is an important part of shaping one’s destiny.
This mindset encourages people to become more actively involved in all aspects of their lives, thus designing their life trajectory more consciously.
Instead of living passively along a set trajectory, we can actively choose different paths to realize our self-worth and dreams.
All human behavior is purposeful
Individual behavior is no longer seen as a simple result of past experiences, but as an active choice based on personal goals and intentions.
When we begin to analyze our own behavior, we go beyond examining surface patterns of behavior and dig deeper into our inner values, beliefs, and goals.
This self-exploration helps us understand that every decision, every action, is a step toward some goal.
Such self-awareness reduces the unconscious nature of behavior and makes our actions more meaningful and purposeful.
When we are clear about why we are doing something, we are better able to anticipate possible consequences and develop coping strategies accordingly.
This kind of forward thinking is key to problem solving and an important skill for maintaining balance in complex social environments.
Understanding the purposefulness of one’s own behavior and that of others is equally important in interpersonal interactions.
When we begin to understand the motivations behind the behavior of others, we are able to interact with them more compassionately, reducing misunderstandings and conflict.
This deeper understanding promotes healthier and more supportive relationships and helps to build stronger and more harmonious social connections.
All human troubles come from relationships
Relationships play a dual role in our lives: as a catalyst for personal growth and as a major source of psychological angst.
The complexity and importance of relationships make them an integral part of our lives.
Through our interactions with others, we learn to communicate, understand, and empathize, all of which are key components of personal growth and social adjustment.
But it is the challenges and dilemmas of these interactions that often become the source of our inner troubles.
According to Adler, the key to solving these troubles lies in developing good interpersonal skills.
Effective communication skills are the cornerstone of building harmonious relationships.
This includes learning to listen to others, expressing one’s thoughts and feelings, and respecting each other’s differences.
Also conflict resolution skills are crucial.
We need to learn how to find consensus in the midst of disagreement and how to respect others while maintaining self-respect.
This means understanding that relationships are not only a part of social interaction, but also a pathway to personal growth and self-actualization.
By improving our interpersonal relationships, we will not only alleviate our psychological worries, but also increase our inner harmony and peace, and enhance our overall sense of well-being.
In the process, we will learn how to take care of ourselves while caring for others, and realize the harmonious coexistence of self and others.
Empowering yourself and others with courage is the key to solving problems
Courage is not only a weapon against low self-esteem and fear, but also a shield against life’s challenges.
When we give ourselves courage, we are able to break through our inner limitations, unleash our hidden strength, and face life’s challenges with a more positive attitude.
Courage is not only important on a personal level, but also in relationships.
By conveying courage to others, we not only help them overcome difficulties, but we also deepen our connection and understanding of each other. This support and encouragement helps build stronger social bonds to face challenges together.
In the process of personal growth, courage is what pushes us to step out of our comfort zones and explore uncharted territory.
It encourages us to face the uncertainties and risks of life, to dare to try new things, and to pursue self-realization. Courage is also the strength to get back on our feet when we encounter failures and setbacks.
In the face of moral dilemmas or social injustice, courage empowers us to defend justice and truth.
This courage is manifested not only in big, bold actions, but also in the small choices and behaviors of everyday life.
Empowering ourselves with courage means recognizing our own value and potential and believing in our ability to make a difference. Empowering others with courage, on the other hand, is an expression of deep empathy and selfless caring.
This spirit of mutual encouragement and support not only contributes to personal growth, but also enhances community cohesion and resilience.